Let's Talk
A literal translation of 'Tikambilanie' might be, “lets discuss” or, “come lets dialogue.”
The failures of communication associated with historical differences between or within communities can often lead to disharmony or conflict. Our goal is to encourage open, inclusive conversations, exploring and addressing the challenges existing in our lives. Through ‘facilitated communication’ we can encourage people to work together, and situations can quickly be developed for the benefit of all.
Tikambilanie is fortunate to be supported by the expertise of two Zambian NGO's, Kamoto and The Green Living Movement, who for twenty years have specialised in working in this way. The mitigation of a contrasting culture and introduction of refreshing new approaches to promoting dialogue are keys aspects of their work, attracting a more diverse range of participants is one of many benefits.
The 'Lets talk' program represents the most serious aspect Tikambilanie’s work, but still places a strong emphasis on fun to encourage participation.
The following are examples of events that can be organised:
- Tradition & Culture, Britain & Zambia
- Participative workshops and community consultation on current issues (see Case Studies)
- Drama performances presenting UK tour findings.
- Specific topics nominated by the Communities, Public Bodies, Companies or Festival Organisers. (Kamoto and The Green Living Movement specialise in getting a target audiences to express their views).
- Expressions from the UK for Zambia , Presumed idea of Life in Zambia ! The return next year!
“Lets Talk!” aims to identify, explore and represent key social and environmental challenges or issues using dramas, maps, models, reports and film. The participative methods used were specifically developed to increase inclusion and ensure that any external support is well directed.
A priority of our initial work is to address the concerns of individuals and organisations in the UK as to the potential benefit of apparently simple facilitation techniques developed else where. Our UK launch will encompass illustrative demonstrations of the benefit of this approach.
Tikambilanie believes that a community in control of its own issues is in the strongest position to achieve harmony and sustainability. Public consultation is central to successful material, social and environmental development of our surroundings, particularly in areas such as planning, social housing, and the interests of the young and vulnerable. Removing those affected from the development of solutions leads to misinterpretations of a situation, often furthering the problem.
Although an important part of the process is that the participants identify their own needs and issues, a number of examples of how this process might develop can be seen under
'Case Studies'. |